
Last week, I handed in my notice for an internship I was doing. In the beginning, I really wanted to stick it out and continue with it but when I discussed with my advisor what was happening she advised me to hand in my notice. Now, it wasn't because I couldn't do the job. I could. It was that I was being given too many jobs within the scope of a Computer Science Graduate - and since I was an intern it's kind of like well obviously she's desperate for an internship type of thing. 

As I relayed to my advisor my day to day she pointed out to me that it seemed as though the boss was learning from me. That's not really how an internship is supposed to work - I'm the one supposed to be learning. This internship obviously took up a lot of my time and when my advisor asked me about my personal projects, I told her they took back seat.

I stopped blogging for a week. I stopped making YouTube videos for 2 weeks (sorry youtube fam ya girl is filming). I stopped working on my personal project involving fitness & nutrition. I stopped doing things that made me, me.

I stopped my growth and that's something that I didn't realize until my advisor mentioned I shouldn't stop doing what I love for something that's temporary. I got too invested in this internship that I forgot to invest in myself. I should also note that this internship was unpaid and I have a whole lot of tea as to why unpaid internships shouldn't exist.

Here's what I've done since leaving the Internship:

I read 2 books in less than 48 hours! I haven't read in so long due to having a hectic last year of University and my to be read list kept getting longer and funnily enough I actually had found a list of books to read from 2014! The book If I Stay summary really leaped right out to me so! I finished If I Stay in 1 day and then Where She Went in less than a day (I genuinely checked my library every day online for 6 days to see when Where She Went would finally be there for me to pick up because I was left on a cliffhanger and my mind was making up every scenario possible).

You may have realized that I took a mini week break from blogging. I didn't plan to but since I had a lot of work being pushed on to me, my free time for myself got kicked out a window. I was interning at a Startup company (a company that still has to get its feet off the ground) and in this case it wasn't the most organized. 

Since leaving, I've written a few blog posts and my inspiration is dancing around in my mind - so! all the tangents in my mind are forming constructive sentences!

I mentioned in my last post that I had shin splints, and thankfully I've now recovered! But here's the random part. After I recovered, a friend of mine persuaded me to try skateboarding and long story short that's how I got hip flexor pain. (To be fair Shin Splints are WAY worse but hip flexor pain is right up there too.)

Thankfully now, I feel much better but wow when I say July's been rough - for the most part I've been recovering from injuries. I've signed up* for a race in November so! I'm really excited to jump back into my training SMARTLY!

* = By signed up I mean I have plans to race it - I've learnt from experience not to sign up WAY in advance because you never know what can happen between now and 3 months.

wow look at that clear skin, who knew not having a stressful non-paid internship would make ya girl smile like this

From this internship I learned a lot, the most important being: Put yourself first. Never sacrifice your growth for something that's temporary. 


I mentioned 'advisor' and as a graduate you might be wondering who's doing the advising if I'm no longer in University. WAY BACK in my Quality History Tea: Code Girls post I included that I was a part of a WAVE program.

The WAVE program was created by #builtbygirls and it pairs females who are interested in tech or in pursuing a tech related field with advisors who are currently in the field you are interested in. They give you the ins and outs, advise you when you're confused on what to do, and encourage you to challenge yourself often!

I can honestly say if I didn't have an advisor in this instance, I would probably still be in the internship that I mentioned above.

To learn more about the WAVE program, my sister and I on our coding blog (we're instagram based!) detailed the run down!

If you'd like to sign up HERE YOU GO

(At the moment it is US based only - sorry to my international fam!)

You honestly won't regret it! Also IT'S FREE!!!

Have you ever done an internship? How was that experience? LET YA GIRL KNOW.


  1. Wow, it's great that you decided to hand in your notice at your internship. It's not good at all that they were learning from you and not the other way round! Especially too if it's taking up all your free time. It's great that since you've handed in your notice you've got back into doing things you enjoy :) I hope you find a place that better fits what you are looking for!


    1. I can definitely say that it wasn't the easiest decision for me to make - even my advisor noticed I was hesitant but it was obvious that the boss was learning from me about the web design process.

      Definitely a whole load of stress lifted, that's for sure! Thank you so much!! When one door closes, another one opens!

      Thank you so much for reading and commenting!

  2. "Don't sacrifice your growth for something that's temporary"... YES. SO IMPORTANT! It's great that your advisor is being so amazing and you're right, your growth really needs to come first.

    Jas xx

    1. YES! When my advisor mentioned something along those lines to me that's when it really clicked in my mind how much I stopped my own growth for something that's temporary. I honestly am so grateful to have my advisor advise me, she really is amazing!

      Thank you so much for reading and commenting!

  3. Your advisor sounds like the best kind of person. What they said about things you love is so so so true! Happy to hear your shin splints are better! Good luck training for the race x


    1. She really is amazing - she was able to see that although as a recent graduate I need an internship, this most definitely was not the internship for me to continue to grow. I missed reading and writing posts and working on mini projects here and there, so glad to get back into the swing of things!

      And thank you!!! It took a bit longer than it should have to recover from shin splints since I didn't ice properly, but I just went on my first run today and I've missed it so much!

      Thank you so much for reading and commenting!!

  4. It's such a shame that you weren't able to get much out of the internship, you're definitely the one whose supposed to be learning! I'm glad that you've found other ways to fill your time though, I've been loving reading recently too but definitely not as quickly as you!

    Soph - x

    1. I had such high hopes for this internship too but! When one door closes another one opens, looking forward to seeing where this job/internship hunt takes me next!

      HAHAHA - I did not think I was going to finish my books so quickly, but once a plot hooks me in I basically jump into the novel itself and keep reading until the end! I recently made a goodreads account to encourage me to keep reading, I've missed reading so much - it's such a great way to let the mind wander!

  5. Your advisor sounds so supportive, do what pleases you boo. So happy that you're making time for other things now instead and enjoying them x


    1. She really is, definitely made sure to let me know that by the sounds of things, this was not an internship for me to continue with. Yas girl, have to always put myself first 👏đŸģI'm so happy to fill my time with things that contribute to my growth, I've definitely missed reading books & writing new posts!

      Thank you so much for reading and commenting!

  6. That internship sounds great but stressful. I am so glad that you've found a way to leave your stress behind. Although that internship may have sounded good, it's better that you feel happy! Also, your adviser sounds awesome! Hope you have a great day!

    1. It was stressful mainly because there wasn't a lot of structure to the company just yet as it was a company that still had to get its feet off the ground. It was such a load lifted off my shoulders once I left, so much happier too! My advisor really is amazing, and since she personally is in the field I'm getting into, she's able to give me just the advice I need!

      Thank you so much for reading and commenting - I hope you have a great day too!

  7. Glad you figured out the right thing to do thanks to a good advisor!
    I have never understood why unpaid internships are such a thing .You work, you should be paid!

    1. Thank you!! My advisor was able to tell straight away that this internship was not the one for me since the boss seemed to be learning from me rather than the other way around.

      And same! After doing this unpaid internship I really wonder why unpaid internships are still a thing - if you're interning from 9-5 and working hard as if it were an actual job, then you should be paid! It's essentially just free labor for the company.

      Thank you so much for reading and commenting!

  8. She really was supportive and since she's in the field I am currently getting in to she was able to give me just the advice I needed. It was really stressful mainly because there wasn't a lot of structure to the company. Aw that's so sweet of you to say, I hope so! When one door closes, another one opens!

    I have actually missed reading so much, I hadn't realized how much until I ended up finishing both books so quickly - I've missed letting my mind sketch the scene and jumping into the adventures that the main character takes the reader on.

    Thank you so much Bexa - I definitely feel a whole lot better now, and happier too :)

    Thank you so much for reading and commenting!
