The Unknown

At around this time last year, I finished crocheting my first hat and I learned a lot about Patience which brought my Patience is Key post into existence. This third time around, I decided to test out a new style of crochet - ribbed crochet - because why not test my basically fetus crocheting knowledge with a challenge.

I've learned to apply this mindset to a lot of areas in my life recently. It's so easy to stay in the lines of where you're comfortable. Who wants to leave something cozy for a blizzard they know nothing about?

But by staying where you're comfortable, does that mean you sacrifice your growth for comfort?

As a Computer Science major, I wouldn't grow as a developer by doing the same exact coding project everyday - I have to challenge my coding abilities with something new. There's only so many ways to write Hello World* in different fonts and aesthetics. And yes, this means half the time I'm in the unknown but I learn the most when I'm in the unknown because the unknown doesn't stay unknown forever.

*Hello World is essentially what every programmer learns to program first; in every programming language the first thing you're doing is outputting Hello World one way or another.


The more you step into fresh waters and stay in it, the warmer the water becomes. Sure, the water will be freezing for a bit, but as you stick around in it you'll start to feel nice and cozy. So what's the analogy here? The unknown can give a shock to the brain and activate the fight or flight mode, but if you stick around to absorb the new information and knowledge, the more you learn and the more you grow.

who am i? a hat model apparently 

As a runner, I wouldn't speed up on the track if I didn't shuffle my training around to do something different everyday. If I only ran 3 miles every day that's not really helping me in terms of speed, just endurance. By not stepping into the unknown that was Speed Workouts, I wouldn't have progressed to where I am now with a 7:40 pacing.

me and Spring having a nice 1 to 1 chat on the daily forecast for next week because apparently Spring is confused

As a person who crochets, I wouldn't grow as a crocheter if I just stuck to the same patterns. Where's the fun in only doing what you know and not challenging yourself? Also, the feeling of accomplishment after finishing this hat with a new vibe compared to my very first hat can't even be described in words - I'm just so happy and proud that I! made! that!

Growth doesn't happen when you stick with what you know, it happens when you branch out into something new. That something new overtime turns into something you know, and the process repeats.

Have you ever crocheted? Challenged yourself recently with something in the ~unknown~? I'd love to know!


To anyone wondering, when making this hat I used the same sources on my Patience is Key post.

p.s. My sister and I have started a coding blog and Youtube Channel - if you're interested, the blog is HERE, our Instagram is HERE and YouTube Channel is HERE.



  1. I couldn't agree more! I've also learnt this through my ballet classes, if you just stick to the easy things of the things you master, you won't progress or go very far :) Great post to read!


    1. Yes exactly!! If you only stick to the easy things you've mastered then you won't really progress beyond those easy things. Thank you so much for reading!

  2. I've never crocheted! Well, actually I have. I know how to crochet enough to make the piece look like it was knitted. My personal preference is knitting though, but I've realized that crocheting is far more versatile! I want to learn more patterns and create more things. With knitting, the most challenging thing I did was make fingerless gloves. Big projects that require a lot of time and patience are not exactly my cup of tea :T
    These are great pictures by the way! So nice to see another hijabi blogger around!!
    Kanra Khan

    1. I've never tried knitting before but I hear it is a bit more difficult that crocheting - I still have to take the plunge and give it a try! Learning new patterns is both fun and stressful in terms of crocheting, because half the time it's like am I doing this right? And yes I completely agree! Large projects take a lot of time and patience - especially if you make an error in one line and don't realize it until a bit later!

      And thank you so much!! I love finding other hijabi bloggers!

  3. Amazing post lovely! Stepping out of our comfort zone is very important and helps us grow mentally aswell!

    Ayse Merve Demir x

    1. Thank you so much!! I completely agree - stepping out of our comfort zone really helps us grow as individuals!

  4. I am trying so hard to grow but i find it so hard to step outside of my comfort zone

    1. The first few steps outside of your comfort zone are the hardest steps to take. I would recommend to get yourself slowly out of your comfort zones in smaller aspects of your life. Try something new - this can be even an ice cream flavor you wouldn't normally get at the ice creams shop! You don't need to take leaps outside of your comfort zone, just small baby steps. I really hope this helps! :)

  5. Stepping out of your comfort zone is definitely the way to grow, for sure, but it can be difficult at times - it’s definitely something I’m still learning.. 🙊

    Andi | ✨

    1. Yes I completely agree! It's definitely the way to grow but it can at times be difficult to take that step outside of our comfort zone but once you do, it's so worth it!

  6. I absolutely love this post! It’s so motivating and inspiring and I couldn’t agree more that by moving out of your comfort zone you’ll grow so much more than if you didn’t! A wonderful reminder to challenge yourself!- x

    1. Thank you so much for reading! When you challenge yourself you really do grow as a person. Even though sometimes the challenge can seem hard, if you push through till the end, you'll feel great afterwards!

  7. Stepping out of your comfort zone can be so daunting but it's definitely something I'm trying to do more of. I've never done any crochet but my gran knits and I've looked at her stuff before...It looks hard! x


    1. yes! It can be really daunting but once the challenge you've set for yourself is completed, you'll feel incredible! Crochet is a lot of fun I'd definitely recommend giving it a try! I have yet to try knitting, but I hear it's harder to catch onto than crochet!

  8. What a brilliant post. I love all your examples of how growth and change and the unknown is good. It can certainly be very scary but it also doesn't have to mean HUGE areas of your life either. Even the smallest unknown can be exciting!


    1. Thank you so much for reading! And yes! It can be a bit daunting at first stepping into the unknown but like you said, it doesn't have to be a huge area in your life, even the smallest unknowns can be just as exciting and help you grow as a person!

  9. Yes! Stepping out of our comfort zones can be hard and daunting, but on the flip side you'll be glad you took the leap. You should definitely give crocheting a try, it's really fun!! Thank you so much for reading!
